Actually, her name is Anna.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Actually, her name is Anna.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
hey hey! (non-Rant time! plus a couple of pics)
On the pet arena:
1) My Kiera rat broke her nail the other day, I don't mean "broke" I mean the whole thing tore off and she started bleeding for at least a good 5 minutes (big fat drops of blood). She was laying on her little cage and she never does that, my Emma rat was all nervous walking all over her and trying to lick her and trying to lick me, she was freaked out and she never is. In any case, Kiera is all better now (alas, seven-nailed).
2) My Emma rat got sick with something last night after I got back from awesome Indian/pakistani food. She was hunched in a corner and appeared to either be having trouble breathing or she ate something that make her puky, I'm still not sure which. After a good two hours of her not wanting anything, she started moving around and eating (clean) toilet paper - not sure why, but it helped - then I gave her some antibiotics just in case and now she's all better.
3) I'm caring for a "Pet Pup" and a "Cute Cat" on Facebook.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Creating Things with Yarn - A Resource List
Hi everyone!
This is my list of favorite online resources for knitting and one on crocheting, and a bit about why I like them:
- This website is awesome, apart from having a very extensive glossary of knitting terms, they have videos that explain how to do each type of stitch for both Continental and English styles (curious? read their site! I couldn't do as good a job as they do at explaining stuff).
- Online magazine with not-your-grandma-style knitting patterns. They are very fresh but don't go extremely out of the norm, so it's a safe place to explore if you're convinced knitting is for boring people. Be sure to check out their archives and look up Norberta!
- This website has tons and tons of patterns you can crochet. They have things from dainty wristwarmers to a dodo bird to a hat-and-Groucho Marx Glasses-combo. I'm almost done with the Thirds scarf ( takes a while).
- This site will definitely remove the "old lady sitting in a corner, waiting for her life to end and in the meantime force you to wear ugly sweaters" perspective that people have on knitting, sewing and beading. They're a bit snobbish and have a very "more-evil-than-thou" writing style, but if you ignore it they have some interesting stuff; I already have a request for a Cthulhu, let's see if it doesn't kill me first.
- I put the Domiknitrix in more for the book than for the site; she preaches the domination of yarn, so knitters become more confident in their own work. Plus, it's pretty cool to think of yourself as an accomplished Domi.
- This is another one that's more the book than the site. If you EVER get stuck on ANYTHING knitting-related, this book will most probably have the answer. This is one of the less-scary links I have on here.
Alright, now that I've given you all my little secrets, go knit something, will ya?
Friday, April 11, 2008
ok, here I am, staring at a blank post, trying to figure out what to write, or even if I have any interesting stuff left to post about. I guess that now that I changed my job I don't have this need to remind myself and people around me of what makes me happy (Isn't that depressing?). It's very sad, because now that I'm ok with what I'm working on (even when the work culture becomes very frustrating), I don't feel that telling you what I'm doing is that cool.
Before, it used to be pretty awesome to say "hey, my job stinks, but I'm making this really cool scarf I got from a kid's instructional kit!", now I'm not so convinced. It might also be that I have to choose what to make now, and it's not as easy as having a box inform me of my next project (I was working on a very detailed crocheted scarf, which consists of a bunch of triangles put together, and I worked on it so long that now I feel that I'm overexposed to that project, so I had to stop. Cool side of it: I'm working on a baby dragon that's coming along very quickly and he's totally adorable :) ).
Also, they have a bunch of distribution lists at work where they post random videos and pictures, and I'm like "that would be great for my blog!" but then I'm like "but I didn't come up with that, that's plagiarism!", so even though I have a number of interesting items to tell you about, I can't really tell you about them because they came to me without me doing any effort (so it doesn't feel like it's mine).
I think everything took a turn for the worse right around the time I did the Fairly Oddparents post...
Well, thanks to you who read on until now, I'm glad you did, because writing out loud helps me think and makes me not think that it's so bad. So here are my two top favorite things to post right now:
This is my favorite contestant ever from Animal Planet's Pet Star:
And this is a dog they sent out at work:
Next project: Change the look of the blog!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
soooooooo sorry
I'm not ignoring you
I know it looks like I totally forgot, and I'm totally not getting my extra points for not posting in like 3 weeks, but I have an excuse. I quit my job and started a new one! WOOT! I'd say that beats writing in my blog, but it's still pretty bad that I leave you, my demi-constant reader, without any new crafty news or awesome links. Since we're on that subject, I'll leave you with the following:
If you don't understand spanish and Venezuelan slang, I'll try to translate for ya, because it's pretty funny (although you have to catch the rhymes, which kind of gives it the kick).
This video was a mock of the following pretty decent Salserin* song (the video is bad):
*Salserin: Venezuelan Salsa group consisting of a bunch of little kids and teens.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Extreme Tribal Style!
I wonder if you could use them for real (I'm sure Austin would be up for it).
Thanks for the link Ms. Alanna!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Aaaw so sad!
He looks so sad!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Bugs Vs. Daffy
The video the guy quotes is pretty funny, even more considering people then laughed "with" the Bugs joke and would now find it unnerving.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Fairly Odd Parents
He's voiced by the 'Nsync dude with the dread-type hair (well, not anymore), here's the guy:
Threatdown: BEARS!
Yay bear! So I put it in my living room and had a Rock Band Rock Out night at my place. Some friends came by and one of the guys absolutely loved the bear, so he jokingly asked if I could make him a Goth Bear. I took him up on it:
Frilly Hat Mess
Something went horribly wrong with it, and I still can't figure out why. I'll keep researching though; any ideas?
Crochet Scarf Kit
Final result:
Cake Decorating
This is my final cake from my first cake decorating class, it's made with a nasty buttercream that's good for beginners, so I didn't really want to eat it. I'm wondering if I can get a recipe from a neighbor lady from when I was growing up, her cakes were so awesome they're my standard best cake for ever and ever.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Fruitful Weekend
Ok, so the posts for last weekend's activities are on their way. I made a surprising number of things so before I move on I have to put them up.
In the meantime, here's a pic:
Click here for more Wondercon 2008 costumes.
They turned out a bit deformed but I figure I rolled too much in the middle (tip: make sure when you're rolling the dough that it actually looks like a rectangle, if not this is what happens).
Thanks to Austin for the idea (the roommate of Goth Bear's new owner - more on that later).
Friday, February 22, 2008
Excuse Time!
I haven't been writing a lot lately, I have a ton of updates I should have made last weekend but here we are, me with the pictures and you without seeing them (as always). Here's my excuse: I've been working on stuff at home. But you sometimes post from work, you might say. These posts require picture placement, and it's hard do pretend to be doing something important when you're playing around with pictures of crafty stuff. And I'm in a conference room with my whole team sitting around me (I tried working on another terribly personal professional document in there this week, I did it Matrix style!).
I'll get these posts up this weekend, my new task for extra points!
Monday, February 18, 2008
SF Craft Links
- (Look at the Whimsies archive)
- (Online Magazine)
- (Magazine)
Books to Read on the Human Condition
- The Lucifer Effect: Understanding how Good People Turn Evil, by Philip Zimbardo
- Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, by Hannah Arendt
- The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature, by Steven Pinker
Friday, February 15, 2008
Update on Crafts
Here's my update on what I've been working on this week:
- The hat kit I was crocheting ended up like a frilly yellow and pink coaster, which along with the fact that I ran out of yarn I'm figuring I messed up at some point. I'm looking for principles on how to crochet hats to figure out what went wrong. Status: On Hold Pending Review
- I started the bear and have almost finished making the body. I have very little left to knit, once I finish I'm going to put everything together and add the details. Status: In Progress
- I just started the pom pom scarf (yeah, yeah, laugh at the pom poms). The needles for this one are huge! Fun! Status: In Progress (and barely started)
That's it for now. Since I didn't post anything visually entertaining, here's a pic:
The guy in the middle looks like my dad.Thursday, February 14, 2008
Rumored characters on IMDB:
- Sabretooth, Wolverine's all-time main antagonist played by Liev Schreiber (kinda random pick)
- William Stryker, a christian televangelist reverend guy that's out to kill all mutants, played by Michael C. Hall (Dexter! or David from Six Feet Under! Awesome!)
Ok, I can't wait for this movie. AHMEGAAHD!
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Mister Harry
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria Mister Harry
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Mister Harry
Eee Mister Harry! Eeessooo!
As my ratties would say: "AAAH ME GAAAHD!"
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Screen Cleaner
Monday, February 11, 2008
Almost Got It!
I finished watching Dexter Season 1 yesterday, they were so close! The season is great, but the resolution did not convince me. After I did my last Dexter post (here) I couldn't wait to finish it. The setup was awesome with the ice truck killer (Miami Slasher in the book), but then... they couldn't quite pull it off as well. Now I have an opinion, if you're going to read and see Dexter, finish the book first, and savor the setup. Try not to feel too bad for the ending because it's not as great as the book. And, oh, by the way, Deb is not so whiny as she is in the series (she won't stop complaining about stuff, grow a backbone lady!).
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My reason for this blog is to keep myself in check with projects that I start. So here are my current efforts:
- I'm going to knit a bear for a friend that asked for it, I already got the yarn and have the design in mind, I haven't started it yet.
- Kit: mini-purse and belt made of knitted Granny squares (this is the one I abandoned for the sake of another project)
- Kit: Crochet a mini purse and hat (I'm about to kick this one to the curb because of the next one on the list)
- Kit: Knit a scarf with two different colors and pom poms on the edges.
I did finish a couple of kits, I'll get pictures of those on another post (so I can show myself I can actually finish stuff!).
Friday, February 8, 2008
Ale, Ma - If you can rent the first DVD of the season, it's worth watching it on High Def, it completely tells the inner story of the main character, and the design is gorgeous.
The first season is based on book one of the Dexter series, Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay, which follows the life of a serial killer who kills serial killers. I just started season one which follows the first book very closely, so I'll leave it up to you to choose which you'd want to get the ending from; this is one of those rare cases where the book itself is an awesome read, and the series based on it is addictive and very well told.
From what I've read, the second season and second book (Dearly Devoted Dexter) are different stories, more Dexter fun for all of us! I "read" (on audiobook) this one too, I liked the first story better but in this one Dexter evolves as a character, and his relationships are explored more. It even gets to a point where you begin to make decisions like Dexter, because of "Harry's Code."
And in the middle of researching for this post, I found out a third book on the series came out last year! wooo! I have to go and see what Dex is up to in Dexter in the Dark. Happy murderous joy (of course, not for real :D ).
P.S. If you're interested in the inner workings of a sociopath, get a copy of The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout. It's a surprisingly easy read, and it gives you perspective on how your boss' bosses might qualify as sociopaths... Even a soccer mom could be a sociopath.
WTF Post for Friday, February 8th
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Books I'd Like to Read
- Birth: The Surprising History of how we are Born
- The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World
- A book I saw someone reading the other day about how the educational system forces children to learn to a standard and ignore their inherent abilities (I'll research that one)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Good Music for Work
It helps me concentrate and think.
Hey Everyone!
All right, so cool stuff for now:
- I did a good presentation at work just now, and it went very well! I'm happy because I look like I know what I'm talking about (yay!)
- I have a cake decorating class tomorrow, I'm hoping I can make it (if I have to show up with my luggage in tow I will)
- Blueberries are awesome