Friday, February 13, 2009

Trader Joe's

The closest food purveyor I've had for the past few years has been Trader Joe's. If you've been there, you know they're usually small locations with a lot of store-brand products (they are actually good products, not those bunny-cereal generic ones at Safeway), these products tend to be slightly off the regular path and change fairly often (which is my theory of why they give out samples all day, every day).

I usually walk in the store and, unless I'm extremely pressed for time (read: I have three minutes to purchase something), I go straight to the samples counter. They usually give out fun stuff, sometimes really weird stuff, but usually they'll get you to try something new and buy it. Once, they even offered to open a package of mango mochi ice cream just so I could try it (it worked, I love them). They have coffee every day, and sometimes english or irish breakfast tea (tasty!). That's why this video made me laugh:

A list of associated By The Ways:
- The sugar that won't pour is the Turbinado sugar, it's wetter than regular sugar, more like wet coarse sand. It's a bad idea to put it in diner sugar containers.
- I've been to their store for days straight at a time, usually just an excuse to get a tiny cup of tasty (free) coffee and a cookie (ooooh peppermint joe-joes). And yes, they do have the same sample five days in a row.
- The song is a version of a duet that Maria Creuza sang. It's a childhood song, it makes me think of people visiting the house and dressing up and sitting with the adults having serious conversations and then being told to go play something. :).

I really like this video.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Here's Johnny!

The wonders of editing and purpose:

The Shining:


Star Wars Retold by a Non Believer

I couldn't stop laughing when I first watched this, more because I know someone whose story of Star Wars is similar to this one.

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.

(The original site has a bigger video size)

Attack of the 80's Videos (sorry)

omg I love this video, I'm not sure if I already put it up but if I did then you know I really like it:

Men at Work - Land Down Under

Taking advantage of that, let's go to some related videos:
Toto - Africa

Dead or Alive - You Spin me Round

Men without Hats - Safety Dance (omg)

This one's for ale lela lila!

Youtube Channels

There's a few Youtube channels I've found recently, one of them is whitehouse, it has existed since 2006 apparently, kind of adorable. Another one is failblog, of course, they keep a tab on fail videos and sometimes epic wins. Finally, there's liamkylesullivan, it's mostly NSFW and there's an odd video on his main page right now. He has a character called Kelly, and they write dance-type songs and she sings them and stuff. The best are:


Let me borrow that top

Text Message Breakup

No booty calls

let me borrow that top
let me borrow that top
let me borrow that top
I wanna borrow that top, betch

:) hi mom!

Video Time

So I found a new bunch of videos that I really like, since I really like them I keep them on one of my three semi-permanent Firefox sessions, and then my computer yells at me. It's doing it right now, it keeps navigating back to the blanket page. All right, so my computer won't go insane here they are, now you can see them and I can not misplace them during a crash session.

The beginnings of the Internet

OMG I want to be one of these kids

Kitties on a Roomba

Four hours of baby play in 2 minutes

I was thinking the same thing when I first watched this informercial on TV

Awesome Stop Motion animation

P.S. A sausage is an indigestible balloon of decayed beef riddled with tuberculosis. Eat it and die.