Friday, April 11, 2008


hola gente!

ok, here I am, staring at a blank post, trying to figure out what to write, or even if I have any interesting stuff left to post about. I guess that now that I changed my job I don't have this need to remind myself and people around me of what makes me happy (Isn't that depressing?). It's very sad, because now that I'm ok with what I'm working on (even when the work culture becomes very frustrating), I don't feel that telling you what I'm doing is that cool.

Before, it used to be pretty awesome to say "hey, my job stinks, but I'm making this really cool scarf I got from a kid's instructional kit!", now I'm not so convinced. It might also be that I have to choose what to make now, and it's not as easy as having a box inform me of my next project (I was working on a very detailed crocheted scarf, which consists of a bunch of triangles put together, and I worked on it so long that now I feel that I'm overexposed to that project, so I had to stop. Cool side of it: I'm working on a baby dragon that's coming along very quickly and he's totally adorable :) ).

Also, they have a bunch of distribution lists at work where they post random videos and pictures, and I'm like "that would be great for my blog!" but then I'm like "but I didn't come up with that, that's plagiarism!", so even though I have a number of interesting items to tell you about, I can't really tell you about them because they came to me without me doing any effort (so it doesn't feel like it's mine).

I think everything took a turn for the worse right around the time I did the Fairly Oddparents post...

Well, thanks to you who read on until now, I'm glad you did, because writing out loud helps me think and makes me not think that it's so bad. So here are my two top favorite things to post right now:

This is my favorite contestant ever from Animal Planet's Pet Star:

And this is a dog they sent out at work:

Next project: Change the look of the blog!


Carlitos Charlie said...

JAJAJAJAJ que bueno el loroooo

alejandra said...

lo hago mejor que el loritoooo