Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Threatdown: BEARS!

Here's my proud moment: I made the beige bear kit while traveling out of town, I guess it went quickly because it's pretty small (I'm a notoriously slow knitter - working on that). Here's my finished bear:

Yay bear! So I put it in my living room and had a Rock Band Rock Out night at my place. Some friends came by and one of the guys absolutely loved the bear, so he jokingly asked if I could make him a Goth Bear. I took him up on it:

Note the ear stud, dead eyes, moody hair and scarf, and Anarchy sign on his chest. He came a lot quicker than I expected so now I'm playing around with new bears to make (I'm open to ideas!Post them back as comments if you think of anything, anything!)

P.S. Before Gothy left home to live on his own with his very first (and hopefully only) roommate, he got in trouble with an evil Tyrannosaurus Rex:

I'm guessing he must have been annoyed at the depressive mood and self-cutting threats around the house.


purpleorc said...

Life.....don't talk to me about life.....

Elizabeth Symington said...

Wow! This is great!!! It's very creative. Did his new owner love it? It is so cute he wanted a teddy bear. So what about fencing bear with a dorky nickname on its back?

Carlitos Charlie said...

que lindo el oso jajaja y el goth tambien esta bueno con sus self cutting threats ajaj entonces el rex le dijo i cutchu i cutchu ! wit ma teeth